The other day I was out thrift store shopping with my girls and noticed an antique store I've always wanted to visit was right next door to the Youth Ranch thrift store we were going to. So I drug them across the parking lot and into my version of a candy store. There were SOOO many things I'd love to have one, two or even three of.
Unfortunately I do not have the latest, greatest, top of the line phone so I don't get great quality pictures but who cares. You can see how great this stuff is even with a not so good camera phone.
So here is what I saw from the street that caught my eye. You can't see them very well in this picture but there are little chairs and stools not too far in there.
Here's a blurry look at the adorable little wooden chairs. I would love to take some spray paint to those babies, maybe put a potted plant on the seat and voila, CUTE!!
My oldest daughter loved all the jewelry. It was set up on an absolutely adorable vanity table. Oh my gosh I would have LOVED to load it up in my van and bring it home.
Absolutely LOVING everything on this display.... (Oh yikes! Except my reflection in the mirror to the right. Dang it!! Hate it when that happens!) Now back to all things desirable on this table. The white pitcher. The tall red vase thingies. The antique hand mixer. The big white tray. The fabric.
I'm ready for fall and this is one reason. Fall decor is the ABSOLUTE BEST decor of all.
Those were just a handful of the things I would have brought home in a heartbeat if I could have. They also had some adorable hand painted signs. Antique doors, skeleton keys, salt shakers, windows, galvanized steel tubs, antique ranges. Oh... I'll SO be going back there when school is in session and my little chicks aren't wanting to try on every piece of jewelry and sit in every beautiful chair. I'll share more then.
When are we going there??