I remember as a child hearing about how time goes so much faster when you're an adult. I'm sure I was complaining about something taking FOR-EV-ER! when I was told that. I wasn't exactly a patient child. Now I realize everyone was right. Time truly does go faster when you're and adult with a family and responsibilities.
I can hardly believe it's already 2011. Since I haven't been blogging for a full year and can't share my top twelve projects I thought I could share my favorite snapshots from 2010 with you. Here we go...
January: Tall Man tried out skeet shooting last winter. These two chicks loved it!
February: My beautiful little niece, LC, was born a few weeks early and
had to be fed from a syringe.
I got to help. Such a proud auntie!
March: Waiting in line for the Rock & Worship Roadshow with some great friends.
April: My beautiful chicks dancing in their Easter dresses.
May: I loved showing my family where I grew up.
June: My precious oldest chick at her ninth birthday party.
July: We had such a busy month, going to the Mariner's game with my Tall Man, brother-in-law and father-in-law was definitely a highlight.
August: My middle chick and her fish.
September: Are you kidding me? This is total kid happiness. An ice cream cone at the county fair.
October: I have to sneak in a picture of me and my Tall Man. I just really like this one.
November: I love the child like excitement in his face as he sleds down the hill.
December: Of course nothing tops having the family together for Christmas.
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