I read this book in the fall with my small group. Actually the majority of our congregation read this book. It's The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns, the president of World Vision. World Vision is one of the largest nonprofit organizations in the United States.
The book is not just about Stearns and his journey through life, from childhood to college, marriage and becoming the president of World Vision. It's about his struggle hearing God's calling and obeying His call.
The Hole in Our Gospel is a book that is very much like a face to face confrontation with someone who is basically calling you on your "stuff." After reading this book you definitely have a fire for serving God.
We visited the World Vision U.S. headquarters in November. It was truly amazing to take the tour and see what our monthly contribution is doing for Naomi, her family and even her community. Each of our girls walked away with a new understanding of what millions of children their age go through each day and how truly blessed they are. More than that, my older girls have learned different ways they can help the less fortunate.
I encourage you all the read the 2010 Christian Book of the Year, The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns.
I sponsored Karol from Colombia at Women of faith this year. She's become a Huge part of our family too! We love getting and sending her letters. It's been a huge blessing in our life. The girls pray for her every day at dinner and we have her picture framed in our kitchen and her art work displayed on our fridge. I'm so glad you shared this book, the more people reading this the better! Ps - go see 'Soul Surfer' it's such a good movie, and the main character, Bethany, she lost her arm and went to Japan after the tsunami with World vision, it was great.