I am blessed to live in a part of the country that experiences all four seasons. Each season has it's own personal beauty, but autumn is by far my favorite. It is also my middle daughter's favorite season. I love the colors, smells, food, drinks, decor, weather, all of it. She loves her October birthday and celebrating at Green Bluff, picking pumpkins.
Last weekend Tall Man and I gathered our little chicks, packed a lunch, picked up my sister and niece and headed to a little slice of Harvest Heaven in a small farming community called Green Bluff. My favorite mother and father-in-law came to town for the weekend to join us, as well as my sister-in-laws family.
First we had lunch and opened a few presents. My sister-in-law brought each of my girls a ginormous sucker. Thank you so much!
I got an awesome Abreadcrumb & fish sweatshirt. I LOVE it!!
We enjoyed the live music for a bit and decided to get to work finding the perfect pumpkin, the rest of the presents could wait for later. But first I had to get a snapshot of me and my Tall Man. People always offer to take a picture of us but we always end getting at least one shot with one arm stretched out.
Off we went, my three girls in their denim jackets, Tall Man and I in autumn colored sweaters. Of course I planned this! The photo ops were endless! The birthday girl found the biggest pumpkin she could hardly lift off the ground.
Littlest chick changed her mind a few times and left with this one.
Our oldest chick is so cooperative when it comes to getting her pictures taken. The younger two... not so much. I end up taking a ton of pictures of my oldest because she's just so willing.
Before we left we were able to get a few pictures that may or may not make up our Christmas card this year. I love the way my oldest is admiring her Daddy in this picture.
Harvest blessings.
Looks like everyone had a great time! I had forgotten some of the adventure (as far as I am concerned) parking and walking forever... and ever... and ever...