I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. While you're out and about please think about why you celebrate Memorial Day.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Happy Memorial Day
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Rhododendrons on Steroids
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Teacher Appreciation Note Pad
Here's a list of what you'll need:
Ream of printer paper (About $4 at Staples, probably much less at Wal-Mart.)
Pens (Dollar Tree)
Markers (already had)
Curling Ribbon (already had)
Candy (a couple bags, around $5)
Total: $15.00 to make 3 gifts!!!
I picked up my paper at Staples and asked about having them cut and pad it but they were going to have to send it away and it would take about a week. I tend to procrastinate and didn't have a week. So plan B was Kinko's. They were able to cut the paper and pad it in the store, it was ready for me in less than 24 hours and only about $6.00. (For those of you who may not know, "padding" is the soft glue stuff on the one side of note pad.) We brought the note pads home and my girls went to town with some markers. They colored rainbows, crosses, thank you's and Jesus loves you's on the sides. They wrote a personal thank you on the top sheet and we tied ribbon around it with a pretty pen clipped on top.
Monday, May 24, 2010

This one speaks for itself, Welcome to Safeco Field!
My dad and I at his first pro game. Happy birthday Dad!
#51 Ich-I-Ro! Ich-I-Ro! Ich-I-Ro!
It was retro Griffey Jr t-shirt night. Here you can see the crowd swinging their shirts to rally against San Diego. Unfortunately it didn't work and the Mariners lost the game.
Even though our van broke down and we didn't see a winning game, it was a pretty fun mini-vacation. My in-laws house is SO relaxing, I love spending time there. It was also nice for my Tall Man to share where he grew up with my family. As fun as vacations are, it's always nice to be home.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Grammy's Brag Board
First I spray painted my clothes pins a soft pink color. While those were drying I did the rest of the project. I cut my scrapbook paper of choice to size and Mod Podged it on. Used my Cricut to cut "For You" and Mod Podged that on. I put a thin top coat of Mod Podge over the entire surface for protection. By this time the clothes pins were dry and not so stinky, so I brought them inside and attached the flower and buttons with my hot glue gun. Once those were secured, I hot glued the clothes pins to the board. Here is the final project.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Mother's Day... Late
I love you because....
You are a woman of God.
You are an amazing mother.
You are the woman I adore.
You are the woman of my dreams.
You look hot in a Mariner's jersey.
You are God's greatest blessing to me and I thank Him for you everyday.
Happy Mother's Day. Love Always & Forever, Me
I put this sweet gift on my bedside table, inbetween two pictures of my Tall Man and I. One from our wedding, the other from a trip we took to Ocean Shores, WA a couple summers ago. I am SO blessed to have this man in my life.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Oh My Gosh! I Want to Thank the Academy!

- I've lived within 40 miles of where I live now for all but 6 months of my life and I have no desire to live anywhere else.
- I knew my Tall Man was "the one" when he offered to help me with my 1 year old who just spit up all over herself and me.
- I never liked kids before I had my own.
- I consider my Tall Man and girlies God's greatest blessings in my life.
- As a child I dreamed of being an actress on the big screen.
- I feel much older than my 27 years. I blame the Tall Man for this one, he's 8 years older than I. =o)
- I L-O-V-E baseball!! Go Mariners!!
Now I get to share this fun with 15 blogs I have recently stumbled upon and am loving! So here you go ladies, you're an inspiration!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Laundry Room Inspiration

You may be wondering why I have an interest in all these fabulous laundry rooms. Well a few weeks ago my Tall Man stopped by Habitat for Humanity and surprised be with some cabinets for our laundry room. I am SO over the plastic coated wire shelf thingies they put in houses now. So I'm on a mission to redo our laundry room. Let me be upfront with you from the beginning. There is absoutely NO WAY my space will look anything like the ones above. But a girl can dream, right?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Happy Birthday Neighbor
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Mother's Day Frame
I put these frames together for all the Mom's, Grandma's, Noanie's and Grammy's in our life. Between my husband and I our girls have five Grandma's and one Great-Grandma. Wowza!
All you need is:
wooden frame (from Michael's $1)
Mod Podge
Scrapbook paper
embellishments of your choice
I realize we're cutting it really close to Mother's Day and this is a great home made gift for those last minute ladies. You can make this cute frame in an afternoon with no problem. First I used white craft paint to paint the edges of the frame to give it a little more finished look. After the paint dried, I traced the frame onto my scrapbook paper and cut it out. Next apply the paper with Mod Podge, wait to dry, sand the edges, apply another thin coat of Mod Podge. Lastly I applied my flowers & buttons with a little hot glue and "love" with just a little more Mod Podge. And here they are!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Where I Come From
Last weekend my family and I drove out to the ranch I grew up on. It would have been ten years next month since I had been out there. I grew up out in the sticks about a mile and a half up a dirt road on a 160 acre piece of land. It was incredible, of course I didn't realize that until I moved to town. I remember waking up in the morning to cows in our front yard. In the spring I'd sit in a field and wait for all the colts to come sniff my hair, it was my job to make sure they were used to people. During the summer months I'd grab my horse from the field and take off for hours riding the trails. In December we'd trek through the woods, sometimes on horseback, to cut our Christmas tree. It was a lot of work for my family but as a young girl it was heaven.
On Sunday Tall Man and my three daughters got to see where all my childhood memories took place. It was incredible. Here are a few pictures I snapped while we were there.
Anaya's favorite part of the day was the piggy snorting on her arm.