I haven't really shared my love of photography with you on My Northwest Nest, but believe me, I love photography. So I jump at the opportunity to take a few snapshots of friends, family, nature, old buildings. You name it, I'll take a picture of it.
This next one is one of my favorites. At least the editing I did, makes it my favorite of the happy couple. If you look at the picture below you see a couple walking down a snow covered road. But...
A few weeks ago my best friend, Cat, called and asked if I could take a few pictures of her family. Their beautiful baby girl is almost ten months old and they've never had family photos taken. I was honored to be able to take their first family shots. I'm not a fan of the traditional family portrait. "Tilt your head this way" "Say pickles." That's not my style. I like outdoors, different angles, on the floor types of family pictures. Luckily Cat isn't a fan of your average family picture either.
We agreed on outdoor pictures, the ground wasn't an option since it was covered in snow but we were able to capture some pretty great shots. Cat and her husband found a random road blanketed in fresh snow and the baby was sleeping so we hopped out of the cars and snapped a couple pictures of just husband and wife. A nice reminder that even though so much of their life is now all about baby, first they are husband and wife, the best gift they can give their precious little girl.
So here we go...

I love the way her red sweater and his red scarf pop against the snowy background. I was wishing I had a red umbrella for a prop but their red accessories worked perfectly.

We spend about twenty minutes getting pictures of just the two of them then the little one woke up and was ready for her picture.

By no means am I even close to a professional photographer, but I'm pretty happy with how these turned out. More importantly my friends are happy with how they turned out.